Sunday, September 13, 2009


I'm happy to say that one of the things I put on the bar to keep the ravens away actually worked, it's a aluminum bag taped over a empty paper roll and the box is a empty teabag box to keep the taped aluminum roll from sliding off. But then there's another place where the ravens can sit above the room and still make a racket. Unfortunately that bracket is too high for me to do something about it. Eventually I'll think of something.

After a night of more rest when I opened my eyes I thought of what I needed to get done before classes on monday and made a plan to get the work done before I go anywhere.
But as usual it changed when we decided to get my niece and her children and take them out berry picking. I'm glad I changed my plan of attack and decided to go out to enjoy the land and see what it has to offer. We drove to Upper Base and came across some blueberries and started picking them to eat them because we didn't take any containers to put them in. After a while we were getting chilly so we agreed to go put on warmer jackets and call my niec if they wanted to join us.

Just before we picked up my niece and her family we saw a huge plane landing and thought it was First Air's new cargo plane, but it parked at the northwest end of the airstrip. That seemed unusual so we went to check it out and it was a Delta Airlines passenger jet that made a emergency landing and the ambulance was parked near the steps. When we picked up my niece and her children, we drove back to the side of the airstrip so her children could see the plane. There were some passengers at the top of the stairs looking out and taking pictures, so we waved at them and they waved back. While we were picking berries we saw it taking off approximately couple hours after it made an emergency landing. I'm sure this is what Iqalummiut see all the time, but it was neat to see the big passenger plane.

It was even more exciting to see it taking off. It's not everyday we get to see this so to us it was a sight to see. I wondered where it was coming from and where it was going and why it landed here. My thought for a second was it might be aired on TV through the National tonight, but then again it was a safe landing and wasn't a catastrophe so it probably didn't make it to the news. Maybe it'll be on Nunatsiaq news. I'll have to keep checking the online newspaper all week.

The children had fun while we were picking berries. It turned out to be a better day after all. It also gives me an opportunity to add more flavour to my blog by adding the images that we took during the day. I'm glad we went out to go for a drive. Now, to figure out how to scare those I can get more sleep. Any suggestion is more than welcome.

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