Saturday, October 3, 2009


It's been over a week since I posted a blog. Not that I don't want to, but I never seem to have any time to do any personal reflections anymore. I'm taking two courses a week and in between the two of them, I have some homework to be done. Most times I don't even have time to do my own projects. I really enjoy knitting for the little kiddies and I feel funny not taking the time to make them something. I'm also really the presence of those little ones. Especially the wildness, laughs and imagination they have. My life is very uncomplicated right now. All I focus on right now are rest, meals, classes, coursework. How boring is that? No time for anything else. Haven't even had time to listen to the regional news yet. I miss listening to the CBC radio programming and so forth. I especially miss my house. My own house.